Thank you so much for this. My eyes are opening more to how the media likes to fuel the fire of hate and racism by talking about it all the time. I love Morgan Freeman's answer to an interviewer who asked how we can stop racism: "Stop talking about it."
We do live in a melting pot and as I go about my day to day life, I see people living and working together as equals. I'm still trying to understand "systemic racism" and how it manifests. I understand the environments we all grow up in are different, yet I have met many well educated and well paid black people. How did they do it if the whole system is conspiring against them?
Anyway, I'm getting tired of using the words "black" and "white" to describe people. People are people, and life is a spectrum of colors. Just like this topic is a spectrum of issues that cannot be simplified down to "racism", no matter how many times we are bombarded by the term.
I look forward to sinking my teeth into some of your work as I can tell just from your comment you are an awesome writer. Thank you for the read and thoughtful comment.