Member-only story
How Health Problems Make Us Feel Helpless
And How To Get Your Power Back
My boyfriend and I both have some health issues going on and it has made me realize how fragile our health can be. One minute we are healthy and vibrant, accomplishing all kinds of physical feats and feeling on top of the world. The next, you’re knocked down off the mountain, rolling and stumbling to the bottom and the gravity of reality finally hits you.
A diagnosis from a doctor can leave us feeling like our world is crashing down around us. We can feel helpless, especially when there is no quick fix for a health problem.
For example, my boyfriend found out he has early to moderate stage osteoarthritis in his hips and knees. He has been feeling it too, limping around and going throughout his day in pain and agony. His doctor referred him to a physical therapist, gave him some anti-inflammatories and a topical cream, and sent him on his way. His is a condition that can worsen over time and is also a condition that can take a long time to heal from. I have seen him go through the stages of uncertainty, wondering which of his beloved activities he will still be able to do in the future.
For myself, a routine Pap Test revealed HPV and slightly abnormal cell activity. I was advised to get a colposcopy, a procedure where biopsies are taken of…